James G. uploaded 10 photos and received 325 edits.

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Correct color / exposure, Crop / resize / straighten, Sharpen / reduce noise, Few spots clean-up
Not looking for any radical changes. I just want my client to say "WOW, I love my pics". Definitely open to suggestions. I chose the Basic Correction because I wasn't sure if these pics needed Standard Editing or not.
Long-term conditionsJust getting started in the wedding photo business. Have no idea how it's going to go, as I have a lot to learn. Would like to get with a retoucher long term that does great work & is fairly priced. By all means, not looking for the cheapest & I'm aware that you get what you pay for.
  • Basic Correction
  • Closed: 10 years ago
  • Award: 15 x $10.00
  • Seeking long-term retoucher