Katy A.

It all started with Graphic Design class in high school. In that year class, I managed to design a billboard that stood in my hometown. I created a holiday card sent out from the board of education to faculty. I won 1st place in Digital Arts in the Northern Art Conference. I also had my design featured on class of 2011's daily school planner. I had study hall last period of the day, where I would go up to my art teacher's room and spend the hour learning and practicing my designs. After graduating high school, I landed a job as a Photo Retoucher at a company called HR Imaging Partners. I started with just removing blemishes, color correction, and fixing the lighting. In a short period of time, my boss discovered what I could do and assigned me to removing unwanted objects, background replacement and other various tasks.
  • Signed up: 9 years ago
  • Last seen: 2 years ago
  • Location: Chicago, IL, United States
  • Responsiveness: Slow
8 years ago
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